We are pleased to announce that our employees Ayesha Curmally, Michael Isler, Robert von Rosen and Stefan Knobloch, who have been with us for many years, have now been appointed as partners in our firm, effective from 1st January 2017.
Ayesha Curmally is a notary in the canton of Basel-Stadt, a Certified Specialist SBA in Inheritance Law as well as a lawyer in the Private Clients team of Walder Wyss. Her main areas of practice include mariage and inheritance law, estate and succession planning, settlement of estates (including distribution), corporate and commercial law and real property law. Additionally to adivsing clients and notarising deeds in these fields of law, Ayesha Curmally notarises share transfers, marriage and inheritance contracts and other transactions under German law.
Michael Isler regularly advises in complex outsourcing, technology transfer and platform projects from the conceptual and negotiation phase to dispute settlement. He further enjoys a vast experience in copyright, trademark and patent law. A particular focus of his work is dedicated to the life sciences and health sector. Michael Isler regularly publishes and lectures in his practice areas and takes an active role in several professional organizations.
Robert von Rosen’s practice focuses on domestic and international M&A transactions. He also advises corporate clients on all matters of corporate and commercial law related to their daily operation. A further focus of Robert von Rosen is banking, finance and capital markets law.
Stefan Knobloch deals primarily with international and national M&A transactions, public takeovers, private equity transactions, IPOs, debt financing, corporate governance and matters relating to company, stock exchange transaction and capital market law in general. He has overseen numerous transactions in these areas. He also prepares legal opinions in matters of law on stock exchange transactions, company law, law of obligations and law on civil procedure, as well as publishing articles and lecturing at the University of Zurich in his preferred fields of activity.
In addition, Janine Corti, Alexandre Both, Michael Cartier and Dominik Hohler have been promoted to Counsel as well as Ramona Wyss, Adriano Antonietti and Dirk Spacek have been promoted to Managing Associate. All promotions are effective as of 1 January 2017.
Janine Corti is working in the fields of domestic and international corporate tax and has professional experience in the financial services area. She focuses particularly on national and international restructurings, migrations, tax planning, employee participation programs, capital market transactions and M&A projects. In addition, she is at the board of the Zurich section of EXPERTsuisse.
Alexandre Both is focusing on M&A and finance transactions. His M&A experience includes private and public transactions, with a focus on domestic and cross-border acquisitions, mergers, private equity, asset and liability transfers and spinoffs. On finance transactions, Alexandre Both provides advice to lenders or borrowers in particular in relation to syndicated bank financings, real estate finance, leverage finance, project finance and structured finance. He also advises on banking, stock exchange and capital markets laws.
Michael Cartier represents parties in international arbitrations under all major institutional rules and in ad-hoc proceedings, before state courts and in enforcement and legal assistance matters. He is listed as an expert for arbitration in Who’s Who Legal 2016 and 2017. He also acts as arbitrator and is listed on the panel of arbitrators of the ICC National Committee (Switzerland). The focus of his work is on construction disputes and international commercial law. He also advises clients in white-collar criminal law matters and corporate investigations. He is an officer of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA).
Dominik Hohler advises national and international companies regarding their restructuring, financing, establishment and expansion projects as well as with regard to reorganisation measures and insolvency. He also focuses his practice on domestic and international M&A, private equity and venture capital transactions. Additionally, he advises corporate clients on all matters of corporate and commercial law related to their daily operations. Dominik Hohler regularly publishes in his fields of expertise.
Ramona Wyss advises clients in finance and capital markets transactions, acquisitions and outsourcing projects. Other preferred areas of practice of Ramona Wyss include commercial and corporate law as well as administrative law with a special focus on energy, technology, financial markets, insurance and procurement law.
Adriano Antonietti advises domestic and foreign banking and financial institutions, as well as collective investment schemes and asset managers on a wide range of matters, in particular regulatory issues, private placements, the drafting of banking contracts and certain tax related matters (FATCA). He also defended banks and their clients in a number of disputes and deals with all aspects of corporate and commercial law. His main fields include financial products and services, including regulatory aspects, as well as corporate and commercial matters.
Dirk Spacek advises companies of the media- and technology-sector as well as industrial enterprises, healthcare providers, banks and insurances on the creation, procurement and commercialization of new ideas and technologies. Among various matters, he handles technology transfer- and outsourcing-projects, license, R&D- and distribution agreements, joint ventures and frequently contracts of the media & entertainment sector. In addition, Dirk has vast litigation-experience in patent-, trademark- and copyright-law and the han-dling of contractual and commercial disputes before state courts.