The Peruvian group Costa del Sol has been awarded the design, construction and operation of two hotels in the new terminal of the Jorge Chávez International Airport (AIJCH).


This private tender was called by Lima Airport Partners (LAP), current operator of the AIJCH.


The project consists of the design, construction and operation of a five-star hotel and another three-star hotel in the new terminal. The five-star hotel will start operating together with the terminal, in January 2025. The project estimates an investment of US$50 million.


LAP was advised by its internal team and by the CMS-Grau Study. Rebaza, Alcázar & De Las Casas advised the Costa del Sol group.

The concession contract was signed on September 5, 2023.


LAP Legal Advisors:


In House Advisor: Erika Pereira


CMS-Grau Firm: Partner Carolina Gajate and Associate Carmen Assereto.


Legal advisers of Grupo Costa del Sol:


Rebaza, Alcázar & De Las Casas (Peru): Partner César Luna Victoria, Senior Associate Mirko Medic and Associate Álvaro Luna Victoria.