Founded in 1932, the Haudecoeur Group is a key player in the import, manufacture and distribution of grocery products targeted to the North African, African, Asian and Caribbean populations. The Group selects, processes and/or manufactures in some sixty countries the best references in rice, dried pulses, dried fruits, spices, cereals, sauces, pastillas, sweets, tea, etc. These products are then distributed through specialized networks and supermarket chains.


De Pardieu’s team comprised Cédric Chanas (partner), Sandra Aloui (partner), Nelly Achille (associate) and Wally Doucouré (associate) on the corporate aspects, Sébastien Boullier de Branche (partner) and Matthieu Siossian (associate) on the financing aspects, Priscilla van den Perre (partner), Pierre-Alexandre Pujol (associate) and Apolline Vanrenterghem (associate) on the tax aspects and Augustin Charoy (associate) on the employment law aspects.