Fabricio Reyes and Diego Aguinsaca, Mechatronics Engineers and innovators, who won in 2014 the Senescyt´s Bank of Ideas contest, two robotics competitions in Mexico and the History Channel contest “An idea to change history”, decided to create face shields with a methodology to make plastic more quickly, with its injection technology.
The idea of creating a new company, called Nanox, focused on biosafety products, was established on March 26. This was based on the experience of other countries where quarantine for Covid-19 began earlier and taking into account, according to them, that crisis is the best time to see great opportunities.
A hospital contacted them to make face shields and so they started to manufacture these articles, which at one point became as basic necessities.
Previously, with their printer company they had developed a methodology to make plastic more quickly, which helped them to manufacture 2.000 units a day, then 5.000 and now 30.000 units a day.
PH Innovations, specialized area of Paz Horowitz Abogados, which is in charge of advising companies and entrepreneurships to develop products with high added value, intervened in the process of advising and supporting this product´s protection, carrying out a strategic analysis of the ideal mechanism. The particular configuration of the face shield could be determined to meet stipulations and requirements to be considered and protected as an industrial design.
Protectors were geometrically designed to fit the head of users of all ages, without breaking, allowing it to remain fixed.
Many of products distributed in Ecuador are imported, so their own creation and entrepreneurship must be recognized and valued. During this time, PH Innovations has been advising on different projects to develop products related to protection, care and prevention of COVID-19, as well as companies and entrepreneurs who have adapted their line of business to the requirements of the market in these times of pandemic.