The Institute of Financial Services Practitioners hosted its annual conference on 22 May, 2024, at the Hilton Malta. The main themes of this conference were the prevailing issues, challenges, and opportunities within the financial services sector in Malta.

Ganado Advocates actively participated in, and supported the event.

Stephen Attard, a partner in the firm’s Corporate Finance and Tax practice, moderated a one-to-one session with the Malta Registrar of Companies addressing the latest developments and challenges at the Malta Business Registry, including the impact which the MBR operations have on practitioners and their clients.

Anthony Cremona, a partner in the firm’s Private Clients team, participated in a panel discussion on the Future of Prevention of Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism (PMLFT), while Marina Grech, a partner in the firm’s Compliance practice, contributed to a panel discussion addressing the new CSP Rulebook.