Jonathan Manning and Charlotte Crocombe have successfully defended an application for an injunction under Part 4 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009. The application was refused on the basis that:
- the Applicant had failed to persuade the court that an injunction against the respondent was necessary,
- the Respondent’s disability meant that granting an injunction against him would be indirectly discriminatory and not justified because not proportionate.
Jonathan and Charlotte are specialists in this area, and recently appeared together in the Supreme Court for the local authority in Jones v Birmingham City Council and SSHD, concerning whether the statutory civil standard of proof in gang injunction applications was compatible with Art 6 of the European Convention.
Jonathan has been at the forefront of this area of law for over 20 years, advising on and appearing, with other members of our team, in many of the leading cases involving civil injunctions for serious anti-social and criminal behaviour including sexual exploitation, public nuisance, firearms and drugs as well as protest cases.
If you require any assistance with applications whether under Part 4 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009, or in other contexts, please contact our clerking team who will be happy to assist.