Matrix Renewables (Spain) S.L.U. Acquisition of energy portfolio from Verano Capital

1.      Deal Description

Guerrero Olivos represented Spanish IPP, Matrix Renewables in an international M&A for the acquisition of 9 photovoltaic projects that are part of a potential 25 portfolio of 154 MW, to American company Verano Capital.

Our corporate/M&A team oversaw the corporate angle of the transaction which included the corporate structure and the negotiation, drafting and execution of the acquisition agreements. Our corporate and energy teams also jointly worked in an intense and thorough due diligence process.

2.      Counsel list

Counsel to Matrix Renewables: Guerrero Olivos

Partners: Juan Enrique Allard (corporate/M&A) and Clemente Pérez (energy and natural resources).

Senior associate: César Gálvez (corporate/M&A).

Associates: Josefina Sánchez (corporate/M&A) and Antonia Ibarra (energy and natural resources).

Due diligence team: Energy: Andrea Olea. Corporate/M&A: Francisca Martínez and Antonia Namur. Real estate: Rosario Becker and Benjamín Sims. Mining: Jerónimo Zabala.

Counsel to Verano Capital: CMS Carey y Allende

3.      Date of closing

First acquisition: 22/01/2021. Other acquisitions: ongoing

4.      Deal Value


5.      Jurisdictions involved

Chile, Spain, and USA