In June 1983, the writer Juan Luis Gallardo opened the prologue of the commemorative book of our 100th anniversary saying: "A hundred years are a great many years, here and anywhere; but here they are more than in other places". And if back then, and in that context, a hundred years was that much, imagine how significant is the road traveled by our firm in this, its 140th anniversary.

140 years that we have not walked alone; that we have walked together with clients who have trusted us for decades -some of them for more than 100 years- because they know of that common thread of values, convictions and ethics that goes from lawyer to lawyer, linking generations within the firm and making O'Farrell a local and regional benchmark.

Uriel F. O'Farrell, current senior partner and great-grandson of Santiago G. O'Farrell, founder of the firm, says: "We are very proud of our history and our 140 years, and we are also prepared for O'Farrell to face another long period as a referent in the Argentine legal market."

Today, in a 2023 that frames us in a political, social, and economic context much different from that of our origins back in 1883, we continue to accompany our clients with that longstanding commitment, providing them with the advice of a qualified team passionate about their profession; innovating in technology; participating in the most important international legal events; anticipating market trends; and with the deep conviction that we still have a long road ahead of us, to travel together.

Welcome to the next 140 years of O'Farrell.