Due to the celebration of personal data month, our Data Protection Team led by Macarena Gatica with the collaboration of the two associates María Ignacia Ormeño and Jaime Urzúa, organized a series of talks to inform about the new regulations regarding this topic.
In a first talk Macarena Gatica and María Ignacia Ormeño analyzed the main roles that must exist in companies and their responsibilities in effective data protection. Thus, we also learned about the cycle of personal data, from its acquisition, its administration to its anonymization until its elimination. We learned about the safeguards that companies that handle personal data must maintain and the problems that mishandling them can cause.
You can review the video here
In a second talk, together with Jaime Urzúa, the team analyzed the new modifications in the laws and what would have to be considered when approving the new law regarding personal data protection. They share the details about the
Check the details here.
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