White and Williams Partner, Randy Maniloff, just published an interview, on the ABA Journal website, that he did with retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer about the release of his new book, Reading the Constitution: Why I Chose Pragmatism, not Textualism.

The interview explores the Justice’s thoughts on the deficiency of only focusing on the text of statutes and the Constitution when determining their meaning. The better interpretive approach, Justice Breyer says, is to use many tools.

Maniloff, whose practice focuses on insurance coverage, also posed to Justice Breyer whether artificial intelligence has any place in the high court’s work.  

“I’ve had the opportunity to interview many interesting and famous lawyers and judges over the years,” Maniloff said. “But to interview a Supreme Court Justice is a truly unique and privileged experience and something that I’ve long wanted to do.”

Some of Maniloff’s past interviews include Judge Judy, John Grisham, James Patterson, Scott Turow, Amb. Samantha Power, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Sec. Leon Panetta, Preet Bharara, Vernon Jordan, Henry Winkler and dozens more, including numerous judges, United States senators, governors and presidential cabinet members.

Read the interview with Retired Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer here.