On January 17, 2025, Circular SECEX No. 4/2025 was published, initiating the sunset review of the anti-dumping duty applied to Brazilian imports of tableware, regardless of porosity, commonly classified under subheadings 6911.10.10, 6911.10.90, 6911.90.00, and 6912.00.00 of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM), originating from China.

The anti-dumping duty was originally imposed by CAMEX Resolution No. 3/2014 and extended by GECEX Resolution No. 6/2020, published on January 17, 2020, with validity until 01/17/2025. In September 2024, Sindicato das Indústrias de Vidros, Cristais, Espelhos, Cerâmica de Louça e Porcelana de Blumenau requested the initiation of the sunset review procedure, which was recommended by the Department of Trade Defense (DECOM), given the existence of evidence that the termination of the duties would likely lead to the continuation of the dumping practice in exports of tableware from China to Brazil and the resumption of injury to the domestic industry caused by such practice.

The main details of the process are summarized below:


 Petitioner: Sindicato das Indústrias de Vidros, Cristais, Espelhos, Cerâmica de Louça e Porcelana de Blumenau


 Origin: China


 Investigation period:  – Dumping: July 2023 to June 2024;

– Injury: July 2019 to June 2024.


 Product under review

Classification: Commonly classified under subheadings 6911.10.10, 6911.10.90, 6911.90.00, and 6912.00.00 of the NCM;

Product: Tableware, regardless of porosity;

Physical characteristics: A variety of table utensils used to hold and serve food, including plates, cups, mugs, trays, and other utensils made of porcelain or ceramic. These items may be sold in sets, as part of tableware collections, or individually;

Uses and applications: The products are used for table service in households, restaurants, bars, and other establishments, for domestic, institutional, or promotional purposes.


The participation of interested parties in the process must necessarily be carried out through petitions in the Electronic Information System (SEI) of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (MDIC).

Questionnaires will be sent to interested parties, who will have thirty days to return them, counted from the date of notification. Due to the large number of producers/exporters, those representing the largest percentage of export volumes will be selected for questionnaire submission. Others who consider themselves interested and have not been identified may request their inclusion by February 6, 2025.

As provided in Article 6 of SECEX Ordinance No. 13/2020, the public interest assessment will be optional, upon request based on a properly completed Public Interest Questionnaire or ex officio at DECOM’s discretion.

The team of experts at Nasser Advogados is available for any inquiries.