Shaima Dallali has settled her Employment Tribunal proceedings against National Union of Students. Speaking after the announcement, Ms Dallali said:

“I am pleased that we have been able to resolve matters and that I can put this matter behind me.

I am an anti-Zionist and a proud pro-Palestinian. Following today’s settlement, I look forward to being able to focus on continuing to dedicate myself to the Palestinian cause and to serving my community.

I am immensely grateful to those who have supported me during this difficult chapter in my life and I am pleased that all parties can now move on. Now more than ever, it is important that all communities come together for peace and justice.”

The agreed joint statement with NUS is as follows:

“We are pleased to confirm that a settlement has been reached between Shaima Dallali and the National Union of Students, bringing an end to the proceedings before the Employment Tribunal. The terms of that settlement are confidential between the parties and shall not be disclosed.

The parties would like to make the following things clear:

NUS accepts that pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist beliefs may be protected beliefs, as may pro-Zionist beliefs.

As a private individual Ms Dallali is, and as President of NUS she was, entitled to hold protected beliefs.

As has been noted repeatedly in the media, NUS was very concerned by a tweet that was written by Ms Dallali when she was a teenager, before she was even a student, in 2012. Ms Dallali has accepted that while it was not her intention, the tweet was antisemitic. Both parties accept that Ms Dallali has repeatedly apologised for that tweet.

Throughout this matter, Ms Dallali has suffered truly horrific abuse, which has included death threats, threats of sexual assault and flagrant Islamophobia. This is wholly unacceptable, and NUS categorically condemn it. Ms Dallali now has the right to move on with her life and her career free from harassment or abuse.” 

It has also been posted on the NUS website -

Shaima Dallali is represented by Adam Tudor and Caitlin Harris of Carter-Ruck (supported by Bindmans LLP) along with Andrew Edge and Hannah Slarks of 11KBW.