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CHINA: An Introduction to Employment (PRC Firms)


Qiangqiang Li

Minghong Xu

Tong Wang

Ying Li

Jingtian & Gongcheng
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Labour and Employment in China in 2024: Observations and a Forecast 


Amid the economic downturn exacerbated by COVID-19 and unfavourable international conditions, the contradictions between employees and employers in China's industrial upgrading and transformation have become increasingly prominent. Moreover, labour and employment issues are no longer confined to traditional labour law domains but are also increasingly intertwined with areas such as corporate law, securities law, civil law, intellectual property law, and criminal law. This article reviews several important new policies and practices in China labour law and related legal fields in recent years, aiming to provide guidance for labour and employment practices in 2024.


Impact of the Amendment to the Company Law on Human Resource Management


On December 29, 2023, the Company Law of People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the New Law") was revised and passed, and to be implemented from July 1, 2024. The impact of the New Law on human resource management mainly includes the following aspects:


1. The New Law further emphasises the protection of employees' legitimate rights and interests, and safeguards the rights of employees to participate in democratic management, which is consistent with the legislative purpose of relevant provisions in labour law. Regarding matters involving the vital interests of employees or even significant adjustments at the company's operational level, companies should pay more attention to and safeguard employees' procedural rights of democratic participation.


2. The New Law improves the fiduciary duties of company directors, supervisors, and senior managers (hereinafter referred to as "management"), which may contribute to the company's companies’ identification and handling of serious disciplinary breaches or dereliction of duty by these employees to a certain extent. It also strengthens the supervisory responsibility of management in maintaining the adequacy of capital, which may provide some favourable guidance or basis for disciplinary actions by companies. However, we understand that the aforementioned two amendments will not significantly break through the judicial review requirements for cases of dismissal due to serious breaches by management. The New Law also clarifies the liability of infringement committed on duty of directors and senior managers, marking a significant breakthrough in the direct accountability of the third party to directors and senior managers. However, the liability of infringement committed on duty of legal representatives should still be borne by the company first and then recovered. Therefore, for employees holding multiple roles or positions within the company, companies should establish more targeted risk control and compliance management mechanisms, including anti-corruption measures, conflict of interest management, and accountability for authority.


3. The New Law simplifies the resignation procedures for directors and legal representatives, which can prevent directors from causing damage to the company by engaging in legal acts after resignation, and also helps to avoid corporate governance disruptions caused by the failure to select a new legal representative in time. From a legal perspective. The New Law also grants the shareholders' meeting the right to remove directors without cause, which may play an important role in personnel reshuffles for control of the company, but there is also the risk of abuse.


The Impact of Regulatory Requirements on Payment Withholding and Reclamation on Human Resource Management in Financial Institutions


After a period of rapid development, the Chinese financial industry has experienced frequent risks exposed various problems, among which the issue of excessive incentives for employees has attracted high-level attention. Regulatory authorities in China have issued multiple regulations requiring financial institutions to establish sound internal accountability mechanisms and enhance the binding force of payment management, including withholding payment and reclaiming already disbursed bonuses from risk-causing personnel.


These regulatory requirements have been implemented by major financial institutions, and many listed banks such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, and Bohai Bank have disclosed the establishment and implementation of systems for reclaiming performance-based bonuses in their 2022 annual reports.


For financial institutions, further implementation of regulatory requirements for withholding and reclaiming payment of performance-based bonuses is imperative in 2024, and it needs to be combined with a compliance system in labour law to make it more effective, including establishing a sound performance payment system, improving assessment systems and criteria, strengthening accountability mechanisms, and standardising the implementation of internal rules and regulations. This not only needs comprehensive and inclusive systems, but also to be specific and clear, making it more operable. Only in this way can the withholding and reclamation of payment systems be implemented in accordance with the law and regulations, and obtain recognition in the courts successfully when disputes arise between employees and employers and are brought to court. It is also the focus and difficulty of this work.


Greater Emphasis on Compliance Requirements of Labour Law in Equity Incentives


In addition to traditional payment for labour, employers increasingly provide employees with equity incentives to reward and motivate core employees who continuously create value for the employers. Based on the trend of classifying equity incentive disputes as labour disputes in national judicial practice, in 2024, employers shall pay greater attention to compliance requirements of the labour law system when implementing equity incentives, including but not limited to the following:


1. When employee equity incentives are considered as a special form of labour payment, equity incentive plans or schemes will be recolonised as important matters which have a direct bearing on the immediate interests of employees, and shall undergo the democratic and publicised procedures under Article 4 of the Labour Contract Law of the People's Republic of China.


2. If employee equity incentive plans or schemes violate related law and cause damage to employees, employers shall be liable for compensation in accordance with Article 80 of the Labour Contract Law of the People's Republic of China. For example, provisions in equity incentive plans or schemes that stipulate when an employee voluntarily resigns, the employee’s equity incentive rights granted and unlocked/exercised shall be repurchased free or at a low price. Such provisions may be deemed by judicial authorities as violating labour law provisions, excluding employees' labour rights and interests, and therefore posing a legal risk of invalidity. If employers directly apply such provisions without evaluating the actual situation, they may be liable for compensation for the damages caused to employees.


3. Provisions in employee equity incentive plans or schemes regarding the withdrawal due to termination of the employment contract should match the regulatory rules and regulations compliant with the labour law system's compliance requirements, especially provisions regarding employees' dismissal from employers due to serious misconduct or causing serious damage to employers. Otherwise, if the lack of compliance with rules and regulations for labour employment management results in a dismissal being deemed as illegal by judicial authorities, employers may face significant compensation liability for the equity incentive rights to employees.


Response of the Judicial Interpretation II on Labour Dispute (Draft for Comments)


On December 12, 2023, the Supreme People's Court published the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of Law in the Trial of Labour Dispute Cases (II) (Draft for Comments) (hereinafter referred to as "the Draft"). Some provisions in the Draft, such as the effectiveness of non-competition agreements, liability for breaching non-competition agreements, and liability for not paying social insurance premiums, affirm prevailing views in current judicial practices. At the same time, for contentious issues in practice such as the nature of equity incentive disputes, special arbitration time limits, and liability for breach of special treatment, the Draft also made explicit explanations. In terms of value orientation, provisions regarding subcontracting, outsourcing, affiliation, mixed employment, and unilateral job transfers further increase the social and economic responsibilities imposed on employers based on the original legal provisions, reflecting the judicial interpretation's inclination towards protecting employees.

2023年12月12日,最高人民法院网站公布《最高人民法院关于审理劳动争议案件适用法律问题的解释(二)(征求意见稿) 》(以下简称“《征求意见稿》”)。其中部分条款如竞业限制约定的效力、违反竞业限制协议的责任、不缴纳社会保险的责任等内容对当前司法实践中通行做法给予了肯定;同时针对股权激励争议的性质、特殊仲裁时效、特殊待遇违约责任等实践中存在较大争议的问题,《征求意见稿》也进行了明确规定。在价值取向上,转包、分包、挂靠、混同用工、单方调岗等条款内容在原法律规定的基础上进一步加重对企业的社���和经济责任的要求,体现了司法解释对员工的倾向性保护。

The Draft further clarifies the direction for subsequent compliance with labour employment regulations by employers. We recommend that employers further optimise and improve their human resources compliance system on the basis of self-risk assessment.


It can be observed that labour employment issues are becoming increasingly diversified and complex, posing higher requirements for employers' compliance in human resources management. In 2024, employers should broaden their horizons, consider various compliance factors comprehensively, and gradually improve their human resources management.
