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CHINA: An Introduction to Employment (PRC Firms)


Qiangqiang Li

Tong Wang

Minghong Xu

Ying Li

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Observation and Preview on the Labour and Employment Points in China in 2025

Under the influence of multiple factors, such as COVID-19 and the continued economic downturn, labour issues are becoming an increasing focus of attention, which poses a great challenge for enterprises, employees, and the government. This article compiles the key points of concern in the field of labour and employment in 2024, and offers forward-looking suggestions to business managers.

New rules on delayed retirement to be implemented from January 2025

The Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Incrementally Raising the Statutory Retirement Age will come into force on 1 January 2025, and the Measures of the State Council on Incrementally Raising the Statutory Retirement Age further defines that the statutory retirement age shall be incrementally raised in accordance with the principles of “small-step adjustments, flexible implementation, advancement by category, and overall coordination”.

The decision to delay retirement has brought new challenges to the human resource (HR) management of enterprises, and it is necessary not only to comprehensively sort out and determine management response measures in accordance with the new provisions, but also to pay attention to the follow-up relevant policies and make timely adjustments.

The boom of Chinese enterprises going abroad for business brings new challenges to cross-border HR management compliance

Going abroad for business was bursting at the seams in 2024. As Chinese enterprises go abroad for business, they also drive Chinese talents, culture and management policies to go overseas, and the issues of compliance and disputes in cross-border employment have gradually come to the forefront, especially in the areas of employment mode, recognition of labour relationship, social security issues, recognition of work injuries, jurisdiction and application of laws. Therefore, it is recommended that enterprises should strengthen their compliance system in the aforementioned aspects in accordance with the domestic and overseas regulations in the subsequent process of going abroad, so as to reduce unnecessary risks of employment.

Labour compliance in the platform and cyberstar economies in the spotlight

In recent years, the development of platform economy and cyberstar economy has been actively encouraged and strongly supported by Chinses state, and its importance in the economic system has been increasing, but the process has also given rise to a lot of compliance problems, including but not limited to:

  • circumventing labour regulation through fictitious business scenarios and packaging of employment relationships;
  • confusion of property rights ownership of the “IP” and their carrier operation accounts; and
  • tax evasion, etc.

Against the background that Chinese State has begun to establish and improve the regulatory rules and systems related to the new industry in a phased manner, enterprises in the platform economy and the cyberstar economy should take into account the actual scenarios of business operation and employment management, in accordance with the law, establish employment relationships with employees, deal with remuneration and benefits, and improve the compliance management system.

Frequent salary cuts in financial institutions

Influenced by various aspects, the phenomenon of salary cuts in financial institutions was widespread in 2024, and many financial institutions have made wide-ranging downward adjustments to their employees’ salaries, bonuses, etc, and even recovered and withheld bonuses that had already been paid out. This brought about a series of impacts and conflicts, especially the accidental death of a female employee of a financial institution, which triggered concerns from all sectors of the society.

In 2025, we recommend that financial institutions pay more attention to HR compliance, optimise remuneration and benefits systems, improve accountability mechanisms related to “clawbacks”, and pay close attention to the economic and mental health of employees.

Layoffs continue to occur frequently

In recent years, layoffs have long since spread from foreign companies in China to joint ventures, private companies and state-owned enterprises, with high-paying, cutting-edge industries such as the financial, medical and high-tech sectors also being the hardest hit. There have even been several films featuring layoffs. Violent and illegal layoffs by some enterprises have led to frequent labour disputes, group public opinions, employee mental problems and mass incidents.

We suggest that enterprises should pay attention to compliance in layoffs and implement humane solutions as far as possible, pay close attention to the status of employees and resolve labour conflicts in a timely manner. When labour conflicts are encountered, long-term consideration should be given to responding to the disputes appropriately, so as to avoid further expansion of conflicts and injuries.

Increase in the number of cases in which employees request the continuation of their labour contracts

Due to the increased difficulty of re-employment, more and more employees are choosing to sue for the continuation of their employment contracts after they have been illegally terminated by the enterprises, rather than claiming compensations. Once the judgement is made to continue the employment contract, the enterprise will also face the responsibility of paying back salaries and benefits. In such disputes, most courts are more rigorous in their examination of the company’s evidence, and will uphold the claim for continuation of the labour contract if there is no objective impossibility of continuation or a breakdown in the relationship of trust between the parties.

We recommend that enterprises try to choose a consensual approach in dealing with labour relations, be prudent in unilaterally terminating or ending labour contracts, and avoid aggravating employees’ emotions. In layoffs, enterprises can also consider providing employees with re-employment counselling, job search support, job referrals, psychological counselling and other assistance.

Enterprises need to pay more attention to the mental health of their employees

The continuing impact of the COVID-19 and economic issues has brought employee mental health issues to the forefront and posed new challenges to enterprises’ HR management. Employees with mental health problems are more likely to experience reduced work performance, workplace safety issues, communication barriers, disengagement, etc, on the one hand, and stricter protection under the law on the other.

We recommend that enterprises take a rational view of mental health issues and optimise management practices to prevent mental illness in their workforce. In the case of employees with mental illnesses, it is necessary to fully respect their privacy and protect their rights and interests, and try to deal with the labour relations of such employees through consensus and standardised procedures, taking into account the actual working conditions of the employees.

The frequency of extreme events places greater requirements on enterprises’ HR management

After the end of the COVID-19, the economy continued to languish, and the work and lives of employees were greatly affected. And while a grain of sand of the times falls on an individual’s head, it can become a mountain that crushes him or her. Individuals faced with mounting labour conflicts are often more likely to lose control and lead to serious consequences, such as extreme events like suicide, deletion of data or destruction of enterprises’ assets.

We recommend that enterprises pay high attention to the risk of extreme events, give maximum respect and attention to their employees, and optimise the protection of information and assets both managerially and technologically to adequately prepare for all types of extreme events.

In 2025, we recommend that enterprises assess their HR management policies and risks with a broader, scientific perspective and adopt a more prudent and sustainable attitude to properly respond to the new situation.

























