Provided by Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig
Simonsen Vogt Wiig's FinTech Practice
Simonsen Vogt Wiig’s strong cross-practice FinTech team, comprising two dedicated partners and several qualified lawyers, leverages on its deep roots in technology and financial services regulatory law, as well as intellectual property in order to provide comprehensive, integrated and credible FinTech legal services to a wide array of incumbents, traditional players, disruptors, collaborators and fledgling start-ups.
The firm's comprehensive FinTech legal services are a particular draw for payments and cryptocurrency clients, both particularly 'hot' areas of FinTech in Norway and Scandinavia. This includes regulatory advice relating to payment services, lending activity, crowdfunding/crowdlending, card schemes, issuance of cryptocurrency/ICOs, technological infrastructure, operational systems, consumer protection, data privacy, cyber risk, intellectual property and general contractual negotiations.