
Provided by Allende & Brea

Allende & Brea mining practice provides all ranges of knowledge and services for clients in the mining sector. From the very simple start up of a mining project in its exploration phase up to the most sophisticated transactions involving complex regulatory scenarios. We accompany our clients as “real translators” of our country legal regime and uses in the provincial jurisdictions. We keep our clients fully updated on the last legal and political developments that may impact the mining sector.

Our mining practice includes assistance in:

  • Conducting due diligence process on mining rights either for acquisition or financing.
  • Preparing and negotiating agreements for either acquisition or assignment of mining rights, joint ventures, options agreements, earn-in and exploration agreements.
  • Providing advise in relation to relevant easements, and mining related infrastructure.
  • Providing advise in relation to the Argentine promotion regime for the mining sector.
  • Providing strategic advice in relation to governmental relations and regulatory matters and in relation to the engagement which each stakeholder in a mining project, among others.

We have developed a highly regarded reputation for regulatory and transactional work in the mining industry and our team is known for its knowledge and ability to surf complex matters. Whenever we are hired for a project we form a team that is tailor made according to the specifications of the project, covering the different areas that it may involve.

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Allende & Brea

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Energy & Natural Resources: Mining

Florencia Heredia
Florencia Heredia
Head of Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
Band 1
Agostina L. Martínez
Agostina L. Martínez
Star Associates


Provided by Allende & Brea

Florencia Heredia

Florencia Heredia

Head of Department

Valentina Surraco Urtubey