Provided by Allens
Native title has been on the Australian legal landscape for more than two decades, generating many practical issues for the mineral, oil and gas, infrastructure and property sectors, as well as for financiers, pastoralists, governments and indigenous communities. As Australian states and territories continue to implement reforms of their native title frameworks and policies, and native title case law evolves, Allens continues to work with key players to find solutions to native title issues, including agreements with indigenous communities.
We offer specialist expertise on crucial aspects such as security of title, interpretation of the native title legislation, negotiation with indigenous communities, disclosure requirements, litigation and compensation liability. Our lawyers regularly advise on native title and cultural heritage issues relating to major projects, particularly in the energy and resources and infrastructure sectors, and how companies might navigate the approval regime. Often, such projects involve the construction or establishment of substantial infrastructure such as dams, water pipelines, railways, ports, gas pipelines, electricity lines and power stations.