Chambers Review

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Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime - Chile

Band 3

What the Team is Known For

Balmaceda, Cox y Piña Abogados is a dynamic dispute resolution boutique that fields a notable white-collar crime practice. The team is skilled in representing clients in criminal proceedings involving fraud and disloyal corporate administration. The department frequently advises clients from the Chilean public sector, as well as from the retail, insurance and financial services industries.


Balmaceda, Cox y Piña Abogados' team is highly skilled at handling complex cases. They have extensive experience in criminal proceedings, and provide excellent service and timely responses.

Notable practitioners

Francisco Cox Vial is proficient at representing clients in white-collar crime mandates in Chile. He is often sought out to handle investigations into fraud and bribery.


Francisco Cox Vial is highly active in criminal matters in Chile. He is a very good lawyer.

Juan Ignacio Piña Rochefort is a Santiago-based partner who is noted for assisting clients with a wide array of white-collar crime mandates. He often advises clients on investigations concerning financial fraud.

Ranked Lawyers at
Balmaceda, Cox y Piña Abogados

Provided by Chambers
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Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime

Francisco Cox Vial
Band 4
Juan Ignacio Piña Rochefort
Band 4