
Provided by BDGS Associés

BDGS Associés Restructuring and Insolvency practice is led by partner Henri Cazala, who has extensive experience of acting in high profile restructuring cases.

The practice advises distressed companies, their boards, their shareholders, their creditors or industrial or financial investors in respect of any special situations, including out-of-court debt restructurings (mandat ad hoc, conciliation) and insolvency proceedings (sauvegarde, redressement judiciaire or liquidation judiciaire).

The practice is particularly renowned for its work in complex financial or industrial restructurings, including cross-border restructurings and related disputes, which require high-level legal and financial technical skills.

The team also assists clients in their mergers and acquisitions or financing transactions with distressed company law components. 

Chambers Review

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Restructuring/Insolvency - France

Band 4

What the Team is Known For

BDGS Associés offers a wide array of expertise in restructuring and insolvency matters. The firm demonstrates experience advising on financial restructurings, state-backed loans and safeguard plans. With additional prowess in representing clients in judicial reorganisation proceedings.

À propos de l’équipe

BDGS Associés offre un large éventail d’expertises en matière de restructuration et d’insolvabilité. Le cabinet fait preuve d’une expérience dans le conseil en matière de restructurations financières, de prêts garantis par l’État et de plans de sauvegarde. Avec une expérience supplémentaire dans la représentation de clients dans des procédures de réorganisation judiciaire.

Work Highlights

Provided by BDGS Associés

  • BDGS Associés advised Butler Industries on the financial restructuring of Atos.

  • BDGS Associés a conseillé Butler Industries dans le cadre de la restructuration financière d’Atos.


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Notable Practitioners

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Henri Cazala
Henri Cazala
Band 5

Henri Cazala moves up the rankings due to an increasingly active practice. He draws upon his experience to assist with a broad range of restructuring and insolvency matters, including distressed M&A transactions, safeguard proceedings and litigation.

Henri Cazala is very responsive, and the quality of his advice is always excellent.

Henri Cazala is very attentive to the needs of his clients.

I have been working with Henri for a long time and I am always impressed by his vision and his ability to find solutions in the most complex situations.

Henri Cazala progresse dans le classement grâce à une présence plus importante sur le marché. Il a de l'expérience dans un large éventail de dossiers de restructuration et d’insolvabilité, y compris les opérations de distressed M&A, les procédures de sauvegarde et les litiges.

Henri Cazala est très attentif aux besoins de ses clients.

Je travaille avec Henri depuis longtemps et je suis toujours impressionné par sa vision et sa capacité à trouver des solutions dans les situations les plus complexes.

Henri Cazala est très réactif, et la qualité de ses conseils est toujours excellente.

Ranked Lawyers at
BDGS Associés

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Henri Cazala
Henri Cazala
Band 5


Provided by BDGS Associés