Provided by Beretta Godoy
We represent some of the most active and significant mining companies locally and worldwide, such as Pan American Silver, BHP Billiton, Huayou Cobalt, MCC China Metallurgical Corporation, and Ganfeng Lithium.
From the day-to-day operation of a project, good standing to mining title and routine contracts to the tax, corporate and regulatory structuring of the most important deals in the country. We are experienced in exploration projects as well as mature ventures. We work in all Argentine provinces, with all minerals that are being extracted in Argentina.
We must highlight the expertise and the value added by our tax team, which is highly specialized in tax planning. For example, we put together a complex cross-border mineral stream structure, aimed at remaining in place for three decades, which was completely foreign to the Argentine tax and legal market and very rarely used in Latin America. It required dealing not only with sophisticated timing issues affecting four different countries and financial models that directed at increasing shareholder value and reducing cash flow costs but also considering the potential incidence in these models of future regulatory and political risks in matters such as transfer pricing, customs valuation, foreign exchange, and international trade.