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Baker McKenzie
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Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

International & Cross-Border Capabilities - Chile


What the Team is Known For

Bofill Mir Abogados is a strong full-service practice with experience in international mandates across a wide range of industries and practice areas. The law firm's credentials are built around the strong international experience of its lawyers, with a multilingual team that includes many individuals who have either completed legal studies abroad or practised in top law firms in the US, Canada and various parts of Europe. It has built a strong reputation globally as an industry leader in the Chilean mining sector and typical cross-border work involves advising key junior and major mining companies on international investments or representing foreign clients on inbound acquisitions of assets in Chile. The law firm also represents international clients from the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries.


The firm effectively leveraged their resources to efficiently provide opinions on a cross-border matter.