Provided by Brodies LLP
Brodies has a multi-disciplinary healthcare team that advises on a wide range of healthcare matters. We advise on contentious and non-contentious health instructions across Scottish and English jurisdictions, including for clients bringing proceedings against NHS boards and against local authorities where clients are challenging the cost or quality of health care provision. We also advise on the manner in which care services are commissioned (including contractual provisions) and in relation to moratoria placed on care providers as a consequence of alleged poor performance.
We are known for the strength of our regulatory practice in relation to health and social care, including our extensive experience of the regulation of health and social care professionals. We also regularly advise clients on the commissioning of care, including at a strategic level.
Our regulatory practice has solid experience supporting clients facing investigation, and our expertise includes advising on the regulation of medicines and healthcare products, supporting clients facing investigations, compliance audits, clinical trials, patient data confidentiality and consent, product and drug licensing.
We also have significant experience in the life sciences, medical devices and pharmacy sectors including M&A, due diligence, joint ventures, university spin-outs, fund raisings, international and research collaborations, and manufacturing agreements, advising clients in the UK and internationally.