Chambers Review
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Provided by bureau Brandeis
We have extensive experience with (competition law) regulators, such as the Dutch Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM), the European Commission, the Bureau for Verification of Investments (in Dutch: Bureau Toetsing Investeringen, BTI), and the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (in Dutch: Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport). We advise companies in various compliance matters, assist them in enforcement cases, (complex) merger proceedings, and provide immediate support during unannounced inspections (dawn raids) by regulators. In doing so, we also regularly litigate before the European General Court and the Court of Justice. The team also advises on sector-specific regulation, e.g. regarding telecommunications, aviation, sports, media, agriculture, fintech, transport & mobility, postal & parcels and digital platforms (such as the Digital Markets Act). In addition to ample experience in general merger control, we have been involved in a significant number of merger cases on the basis of the Act on security screening of investments, mergers and acquisitions (in Dutch: Wet Veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames, Vifo Act).
Competition law can also play a role in civil stand-alone and follow-on proceedings before national courts. We have in-depth knowledge of and experience with complex issues touching on private enforcement of competition law. We are involved in many leading civil follow-on (cartel) damages cases in both digital and financial markets.
Provided by Chambers
Provided by bureau Brandeis
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Chambers
Provided by bureau Brandeis
Head of Department
Coen Vermeij
Demi van den Berg
Jade Versteeg
Joost van Belois
Lara Elzas
TImo Hieselaar