Partners: José Rafael Bustamante E., María Rosa Fabara Vera, María Clara Bustamante
Director: Andrés Becdach, Pablo Fabara, Mónica Jarrín
Senior Associate: José Antonio Fabara, Óscar Reyes, Sebastián Páez
Associate: Esteban Pérez, Juan Carlos Montenegro, Andrea Tinajero
Assistant Attorney: Thomas Recalde
BUSTAMANTE FABARA has a division specialized in advising and attending to all aspects related to the protection of intellectual property rights and new technologies. In these aspects represents and is responsible for the protection of intellectual property rights of natural or legal persons, national or foreign, in Ecuador and other countries.
Its members are members of different national and international associations, especially for the protection of intellectual property rights, such as, “International Trademark Association” (INTA), “International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property” (AIPPI), “American Intellectual Property Law Association” (AIPLA), “European Communities Trade Mark Association” (ECTA), the Interamerican Association for Industrial Property (ASIPI), Licensing Executive Society Colombia/Ecuador/Peru (LES). This allows the members of the Firm to be fully informed about the situation of Intellectual Property in other countries, which has been a propitious opportunity to establish close relationships with lawyers and intellectual property agents around the world, with whose firms several correspondents are maintained.