
Provided by CLG

■   Acted as Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Mines & Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea in the successful negotiation and execution of Government-to-Government Agreements regulating cooperation in the field of oil & gas, between Equatorial Guinea and the Governments of South Sudan, Uganda and Ghana. 

■ Facilitated the successful entry and subsequent membership of Equatorial Guinea, as a member state of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC) 

■ Successfully negotiated an Umbrella Agreement, and further ancillary contractual documents on behalf of the Government of Equatorial Guinea, with a multinational exploration company, establishing the full legal and fiscal framework, for the facilitation, development, financing and operation of Africa’s first independent deep-water FLNG project .

■ Acted as counsel to major international oil drilling service providers in connection with exploration and production projects in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and West Africa 

■ Advising the Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea on the drafting of new mining legislation and the creation of a national mining company in Equatorial Guinea 

■ Successfully negotiated and signed a Unitization Agreement and Unit Operating Agreement between several oil majors in Equatorial Guinea 

■ Advised a multinational exploration and production company on crude oil supply in Equatorial Guinea


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Santiago Olo Lima


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Arbitration & Commercial Litigation

Banking & Finance



Corporate & Commercial

Energy & Mining

Labour & Employment

Legislative Drafting

Oil & Gas

Tax & Customs