Provided by Cole Schotz P.C.
Established over 15 years ago, the Cole Schotz Delaware office has celebrated continued success and growth, becoming recognized as one of the top restructuring practices in the state. The attorneys in the Delaware office represent debtors, official and ad hoc committees, institutional creditors, asset purchasers, indenture trustees, venture capitalists, secured parties, contract parties, equity holders, directors, liquidating trustees and court-appointed fiduciaries in all aspects of bankruptcy proceedings and litigation. Unlike many bankruptcy practices, we do not represent major financial institutions. Therefore, we can be directly averse to those institutions on behalf of debtors or creditors’ committees. Our bankruptcy attorneys are litigators as well, providing for the most comprehensive, efficient and effective representation for our bankruptcy and restructuring clients. The Delaware team is well qualified to handle all aspects of a chapter 11 proceeding across multiple industry sectors including manufacturing, oil and gas, media, healthcare, gaming, entertainment and retail. Despite an attorney’s office of residence, we have no jurisdictional boundaries and appear on complex cases throughout the country.