Provided by Conesa & Moreno Abogados
Our professional range is extensive, covering amparo lawsuits, motions of unconstitutionality (acción de inconstitucionalidad), constitutional controversies (controversia constitucional), constitutional advice and economic regulation, as well as the design and execution of strategic litigation.
CyMA has ample experience appearing before Mexico’s Supreme Court and other federal courts, successfully arguing high profile cases that involve aspects of constitutionality or pertain to human rights.
We have focused this brand of complex constitutional litigation on highly regulated sectors such as telecommunications, broadcasting, mobility, energy, finance, data and privacy, responsibilities of public servants, to name a few.
Also, we have a solid administrative litigation and regulatory law department, specializing in public procurement, telecommunications, broadcasting, expropriations, administrative and compensation liability of public servants, energy law, urban development, among others.
Our lawyers regularly -and oftentimes successfully- file appeals and administrative lawsuits to adequately defend the rights of our clients.