Provided by Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C.
Our Firm has a fully operational office in the city of Monterrey that offers specialized legal services in 24 areas of practice and more than 15 industries and sectors. Our Monterrey based team comprises a group of Partners and specialized fee earners strategically appointed to meet the needs of our local clients.
A number of years ago, a Taskforce for these clients was created, responsible for the oversight of strategy, provision of services and business development with respect to our clients in Monterrey. On this basis, we would like to emphasize that our 32 partners based in Mexico City conduct recurrent stays in Monterrey (a few of them some weeks long), and that all of the Firm's programs are always replicated in our Monterrey office.
The Monterrey office was founded with the purpose of broadening the Firm's capabilities in terms of service; namely, we opened an extension of our multi-practice Mexican firm, incorporating a local perspective, that as you will notice in the matters, is capable of providing services to a wide array of clients and industries in our different practice areas.