
Provided by Domański Zakrzewski Palinka

We provide comprehensive legal assistance to entities operating in the conventional, nuclear and renewable energy sector, to companies in the cogeneration and heating sector, and entities operating in the gas and liquid fuels sector, including leading domestic and international energy concerns. Within this specialisation we provide i.a.:

  • full legal support in the implementation of new and upgrading investments (construction of new conventional and nuclear blocks, renewable sources, performance of network investments and also upstream investments),
  • full-range regulatory advisory, mainly in concession and tariff proceedings, and in proceedings involving a refusal to execute energy agreements, and other proceedings before the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, the Material Reserves Agency, Agricultural Market Agency, the Minister of the Economy, the Minister of the Environment and other regulatory authorities,
  • legal assistance with drawing up, negotiating and implementing contracts for the sale, transmission and distribution of fuels and energy, network interconnection contracts, contracts on storage of gas and fuels, ticket and tolling agreements, and also the trade in emission rights and rights under certificates of origin,
  • legal support in affiliating clients on the energy exchange and in connection with the cross-border trade in electricity, gas and liquid fuels,
  • advice on securing contractual positions in various transactions in the energy industry.

Ranked Lawyers at
Domański Zakrzewski Palinka

Provided by Chambers
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Energy & Natural Resources

Rafał Hajduk
Rafał Hajduk
Head of Energy & Natural Resources
Band 1
Paweł Grzejszczak
Paweł Grzejszczak
Band 2


Provided by Domański Zakrzewski Palinka

Marcin Krakowiak

Rafał Hajduk

Rafał Hajduk

Head of Department