Provided by Dr Kamal Hossain & Associates
The firm has been involved in both domestic and international arbitration, including international commercial arbitration. Dr. Kamal Hossain has extensive experience in international arbitration, both as counsel and arbitrator. He has served as Chairman and Member of several international arbitral tribunals formed under the ICC, ICSID, LCIA and UNCITRAL Rules and under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and as a Member and Panel-Chairman of the United Nations Compensation Commission. Dr. Sharif Bhuiyan acted as lead counsel in several international commercial arbitrations in which the Tribunal comprised arbitrators of multiple nationalities and the disputes involved substantial sums.
Members of the firm have expertise and experience in commercial arbitration and have acted as counsel in ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL arbitrations. The firm advises on a wide range of arbitration issues, including arbitration clauses and submission agreements, choice of forum and rules of arbitration, enforceability of awards and the role of national courts during arbitration proceedings. The firm has been involved in litigation for enforcing arbitration awards, staying court proceedings initiated in violation of arbitration clauses and obtaining interim relief in support of pending arbitration proceedings.