Provided by Durán & Osorio, Abogados Asociados
Durán & Osorio is arguably the strongest practice of infrastructure in Colombia. The firm is active in this field since 1995, gaining an unparallel experience advising public and private clients involved in public-private partnerships, privatizations and infrastructure projects in Colombia.
The firm was part of the legal team that structured Bogotá’s First Metro Line, with an estimated investment of USD 4 billion. It also advised on West Commuter Rail of Bogotá and Bogotá´s Bosa Hospital -the first social infrastructure PPP project in the country´s history-.
The Firm was also in charge of drafting the standardized PPP contract for the fourth generation (4G) concession contracts and the legal structuring of a large number of these projects. The 4G concession program is the most ambitious investment program in Colombia, with more than 25 billion dollars of expected investment. Among the most iconic projects for which the Firm has provided legal assistance are the structuring of El Dorado International Airport concession and the structuring of Transmilenio, Bogotá’s BRT.
The Firm currently acts as legal advisor of nationally relevant projects such as the structuring of Canoas wastewater treatment plant, the suburban train in Cundinamarca, Cucuta's sanitation system improvement and Fusagasuga’s Hospital. It also provides legal advice to important private concessionaires on the execution of infrastructure projects and the development of unsolicited proposals.