Provided by Ecija Abogados
2 partners, 10 fee earners.
ECIJA Honduras has participated in the elaboration of the Law of Copyright and Related Rights and in the Law of Industrial Property. Some of our most relevant mandates in IP this 2018-2019 include:
Representation in a lawsuit seeking the annulment of administrative resolutions issued by the Trademark Office which grant the registration of a special design of the letter “g” which causes trademark confusion. There are few legal firms in Honduras that carried specific judicial conflicts of the administrative scope in this area of intellectual property, since it involves providing a service with specialized knowledge and experience.
This case has represented a “leading case in international trademark jurisprudence, since this controversy was also carried out in important jurisdictions such as the United States of America, Italy, France, Argentina, among others.
Representation in a lawsuit seeking the annulment of administrative resolutions issued by the t=Trademark Office which deny the registration of trademark confusion, There are few legal firms in Honduras that carried specific judicial conflicts of the administrative scope in this area of intellectual property, since it involves providing a service with specialized knowledge and experience.