
Provided by Felsberg Advogados

Felsberg Advogados supports clients in safely navigating the waters of the Brazilian regulatory framework, including:

  • Consulting on the regulatory frameworks of the Ministry of Health, National Private Healthcare Agency (ANS), National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA);
  • Representing clients in sanctioning administrative proceedings before ANVISA, ANS, and the local heath surveillance agencies;
  • Advising on the requirements for the granting of Operation Permits (AFE), Special Permits (AE), and local health permits;
  • Advising on the rules and regulations for registering products and medications, and during price adjustment discussions;
  • Assisting with public bids and contracts;
  • Reviewing advertising campaigns and product labels;
  • Reviewing policies on compliance and corporate ethics; and
  • Reviewing and advising on the distribution and outsourcing contracts needed for the production of controlled medications.

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Felsberg Advogados

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Life Sciences

Marianne Albers
Marianne Albers
Band 4


Provided by Felsberg Advogados