Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Dispute Resolution: The Bar - Australia
What the Team is Known For
Fifth Floor St James' Hall Chambers is a highly regarded smaller set, long acknowledged for its impressive concentration of specialised, top-tier expertise, and home to two of the most versatile and respected advocates at the New South Wales Bar. It offers especially seasoned expertise in the handling of appellate cases and is also noted for its prowess in administrative and constitutional matters equal to that attained in the commercial sphere. Clerk Caroline Davoren is the key contact here.
Notable practitioners
Noel is a lovely person and absolutely fantastic.
He is one of the most prominent and capable barristers in Australia.
She is excellent; no-nonsense, very bright and very hardworking.
He rolls up his sleeves on matters.
He is excellent, very well-regarded by clients and well-respected by judges.