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Chambers Review

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Capital Markets: Equity - Spain

Band 1

What the Team is Known For

With its international network, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer regularly handles major ECM capital market transactions on behalf of its clients from the energy, technology and real estate sectors. The law firm has a notable strength in equity-related mandates, with experience in high-profile corporate spin-off transactions as well as listings. Besides its strength in ECM, the practice demonstrates prowess in handling debt mandates ranging from note and bond issuances to large EMTN programmes. Based in Madrid, the capital market practice at Freshfields regularly cooperates with offices in London and across Europe to offer comprehensive cross-border advice.

Work Highlights

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  • Freshfields advised Repsol on a dual track involving a partial sale or an initial public offering of shares of its renewable energy business, Repsol Renovables.


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Notable Practitioners

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Alfonso De Marcos
Alfonso De Marcos
Band 1
Alfonso De Marcos climbs to the top tier this year as a result of strong market support. He is well reputed for his expertise in equity capital markets transactions. He frequently advises energy companies and financial institutions on IPOs and other ECM instructions, whereby clients benefit from his multi-jurisdictional capabilities.
"He's persistent, calm and empathic."
"He has remarkable legal knowledge and impeccable negotiation skills."
"Alfonso gives you solid, clear, comprehensive and well-structured legal advice."
Armando Albarrán
Armando Albarrán
Band 1
Armando Albarrán is a leading figure in the Spanish capital markets world, with particular expertise in ECM and corporate mandates including IPOs.
"He kept things calm. I really appreciated that expertise."
Chelsey Kaka
Chelsey Kaka
Associates to watch
Chelsey Kaka enters the rankings this year as an associate-to-watch with significant activity in debt capital markets operations such as EMTN programme renewals. She is dual-qualified in England & Wales and Spain.
"Chelsey is excellent in day-to-day, she follows all the deadlines and agenda."
Joe Amann
Joe Amann
As head of the English law practice in Spain, Joe Amann regularly advises on complex cross-border capital markets transactions, especially those with UK components. His expertise covers various issues such as IPOs, large bond issuances and EMTN programmes.
"Joe knows our company  and the market very well, so he gives us a very good service."

Ranked Lawyers at

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Capital Markets: Debt

Chelsey Kaka
Chelsey Kaka
Associates to watch
Capital Markets: Equity

Alfonso De Marcos
Alfonso De Marcos
Band 1
Armando Albarrán
Armando Albarrán
Band 1
Capital Markets: UK/US-qualified Experts

Joe Amann
Joe Amann