Provided by GESSEL
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is one of GESSEL’s main areas of practice.
Over thirty years of experience advising on transactions translates into knowledge, skills, resources and a keen sense of business needs which enable us to comprehensively, efficiently and, above all, effectively guide our clients through even the most complex M&A projects. Apart from our professionalism, clients value our commitment, flexibility and “outside the box” thinking.
On any given M&A project, our core transaction team works side by side with our specialists in other relevant areas, such as tax , competition, or banking & finance.
We offer comprehensive transactional advice:
- to buyers (buy-side) (including financial and strategic investors) and sellers (sell-side)
- on any type of M&A transaction, including acquisitions and divestments of companies (share deals) or assets, including businesses (asset deals) and the formation of joint ventures
We also have extensive experience advising entrepreneurs (founders) selling businesses they have created or raising financing for their growth (seed, venture, etc.), and a much of our M&A practice involves private equity.
GESSEL’s work in the area of M&A is pursued by a team of experienced lawyers led by Marcin Macieszczak, Maciej Kożuchowski, Małgorzata Badowska, Michał Bochowicz and Karol Sokół.