
Provided by Gide Loyrette Nouel

Our team has a well-established expertise and assists our clients, whatever their field of activity, in the design, deployment and evaluation of compliance programmes. Taking advantage of our recognised skills in crisis management and defence before judicial and administrative authorities, we manage, carry out or supervise sensitive and large-scale internal investigations in France and abroad, as well as pre- or post-acquisition compliance audits.

Our added value:

A multi-disciplinary team made up of specialists in the various risks our clients face.

Particular attention to the security and confidentiality of communications and data, in the face of new technical and legal threats.

The search for tailor-made solutions perfectly suited to our clients’ limitations and the problems identified.

A strategic vision of the tasks allocated to the compliance function, and a capacity to anticipate the impact of compliance measures and corporate investigations on corporate governance and human resources management.

A network of leading experts, our partners in accounting, finance, IT and business intelligence.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Corporate Compliance & Investigations - France

Band 2

What the Team is Known For

Gide Loyrette Nouel has a practice encompassing expertise in corruption and fraud, acting for a diverse range of domestic businesses and financial institutions on internal investigations, compliance programmes and duty of vigilance matters. The law firm acts across a broad range of sectors such as energy, oil and gas, transportation and finance. The lawyers additionally assist clients with cases involving African and Asian jurisdictions.

À propos de l’équipe

Gide Loyrette Nouel a une expertise englobant la corruption et la fraude, agissant pour le compte d’un large éventail d’entreprises et d’institutions financières nationales dans le cadre d’enquêtes internes, de programmes de conformité et de questions de devoir de vigilance. Le cabinet d’avocats intervient dans un large éventail de secteurs tels que l’énergie, le pétrole et le gaz, les transports et la finance. Les avocats assistent également les clients dans les affaires impliquant des juridictions africaines et asiatiques.


Provided by Chambers

Notable Practitioners

Provided by Chambers

Sophie Scemla
Sophie Scemla
Band 2

Sophie Scemla assists corporate clients with internal investigations following corruption and fraud allegations. She is equally skilled at implementing compliance programmes as well as advising on whistle-blowing policies and duty of vigilance law.

She is fantastic - extraordinarily knowledgeable, with very good common sense and great judgement. Any time we have a matter that involves France, she is the one we would call.

Sophie is a very hands-on partner with excellent technical expertise, combined with a business-oriented approach and fast and efficient delivery.

She knows the US law system very well but she has a French approach, which is very helpful. She is always available and gives great advice.

She is recognised as a great lawyer in the market. She knows the topics, is pragmatic and trustworthy, and has an international view.

Sophie Scemla should be on the shortlist of anyone handling compliance issues in France. She has a sharp mind yet is able to provide board-level explanations, and she is thorough but also pragmatic.

Sophie Scemla assiste les entreprises dans le cadre d’enquêtes internes suite à des allégations de corruption et de fraude. Elle est tout aussi compétente dans la mise en œuvre de programmes de conformité que dans les conseils sur les politiques de lanceurs d'alertes et le droit du devoir de vigilance.

Elle est reconnue comme une grande avocate sur le marché. Elle connaît les sujets, est pragmatique et digne de confiance, et a une vision internationale.

Elle est fantastique - extraordinairement bien informée, avec un très bon jugement avisé. Chaque fois que nous avons une affaire qui concerne la France, c’est elle que nous appelons.

Elle connaît très bien le système juridique américain mais elle a une approche française, ce qui est très utile. Elle est toujours disponible et donne de bons conseils.

Sophie est une partenaire très pragmatique avec une excellente expertise technique, combinée à une approche commerciale et une livraison rapide et efficace.

Elle devrait figurer sur la liste de toute personnes ayant besoin de conseil en conformité en France. Elle a un esprit vif et peut fournir des explications au niveau du conseil d’administration.

Ranked Lawyers at
Gide Loyrette Nouel

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Corporate Compliance & Investigations

Sophie Scemla
Sophie Scemla
Band 2


Provided by Gide Loyrette Nouel

Gabriel Hannotin

Jean-Philippe Pons-Henry