Provided by Gornitzky & Co
Gornitzky’s Real Estate & Construction practice handles every aspect related to real estate transactions and projects. Our team is a leader in this area and is known for its successful delivery in the most complex and extraordinary transactions in the field. Our team is often involved in cases that are considered “firsts.”
Our reputable client list represents over one third of Israel's largest and most influential business groups and 70% of the country’s top high net worth individuals. Our clients include Israel’s leader in shopping malls & retail property; Israel’s largest hotel chain; Israel’s largest real estate developer; one of Israel’s most influential investment entities; the second largest transportation company in the country; three of the nation’s five leading commercial banks; and a long list of leading companies in different market sectors that we advise on real estate matters.
Our client roster, which includes some of Israel’s largest corporations and developers, combined with our track record of success, provides evidence of our highly regarded professionalism and expertise in this category.
The breadth of our services includes real estate litigation and matters of real estate finance and taxation. Our philosophy is to provide clients with a full range of services relevant to a real estate transaction in an integrated manner under one roof, in order to guarantee all needs are met.