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Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Intellectual Property - Argentina

Band 3

What the Team is Known For

Hausheer Belgrano & Fernandez is a strong intellectual property boutique with a noted team in Argentina composed of respected experts, assisting both local and international clients with an array of IP mandates. The team is particularly skilled in dealing with trade mark filings, enforcement and litigation, as well as handling patents, copyright and domain names.


Hausheer Belgrano & Fernandez has a solid team and extensive industry experience.

Notable practitioners

Noted partner Graciela Claudia Pérez de Inzaurraga enjoys a strong reputation in Argentina's intellectual property field, having garnered significant recognition from peers and being noted for her academic contributions to the field. She assists clients with a wide range of trade mark, patent and copyright issues.


Graciela is an excellent lawyer; she is well known for her proficiency in trade marks and intellectual property in general.

Associate-to-watch Gabriela Musante is recognised by peers for her work in the field of intellectual property, particularly in litigation.
Associate-to-watch Juan Carlos de la Vega is adept at assisting local clients with trade mark prosecution and enforcement cases in Argentina.

Ranked Lawyers at
Hausheer Belgrano & Fernandez

Provided by Chambers
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Intellectual Property

Graciela Claudia Pérez de Inzaurraga
Band 2
Gabriela Musante
Associates to watch
Juan Carlos de la Vega
Associates to watch