Hoppin Grinsell represents a broad range of clients in high-stakes and complex commercial disputes, including in trials, appeals, arbitrations, mediations, and in insolvency proceedings. Recent examples include:
General Commercial
- European investor group in Delaware Chancery Court direct and derivative action against NFT company founder
- New York fintech company in litigation against marketing firm
- New York brokerage firm in Delaware shareholder class action against medical device company
Finance and Technology
- Tech start-ups and founders in complex governance and compensation disputes
- Crypto start-up in arbitration and mediation regarding disputed award of future token interests
- Investors in receivership and bankruptcy proceedings of multiple blockchain technology companies
Class and Mass Actions
- Co-lead counsel in securities class action on behalf of U.S. investors alleging fraud and other violations against decentralized crypto exchange and its co-founders
- International investor group alleging fraud and other violations against NFT creator and affiliates.