Provided by Jackson, Etti & Edu
Our team of Banking and Finance experts have been duly recognized for their exceptional knowledge and understanding of structured, trade, acquisition, project and commodities finance. Specifically, we have gained recognition with global law firms in banking & finance. Firms like Sullivan & Worcester and Norton Rose Fulbright have trusted us to come up with knowledge and experience driven solutions to their finance deals. In the last three years we have become trusted lawyers of some leading Asian banks in China and Japan and have been working closely with Linklaters China, Grandall Law Firm and Herbert Smith & Freehills Australia. We worked on novel Samurai loan and Kimchi loan deals with Japanese and Korean banks. In the leverage acquisition finance space, we have worked closely with Stanbic IBTC Capital & Standard Chartered Bank in structuring and executing leveraged deals. In the last few years, we have worked on finance deals in the manufacturing, telecommunication and oil and gas sectors. Additionally, we have executed significant deals in the debt capital market space whilst receiving increased mandate on Loan Workout, and Media and Entertainment Finance.
Our firm is privileged to have recently made the panel of Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing system for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL). Also, we retained our position on the panel list of Nigerian Import Export Bank (NEXIM), Stanbic IBTC Bank, Stanbic Capital Limited, and, Standard Chartered Bank.