Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Insurance Defence - Australia
What the Team is Known For
Lander & Rogers fields a well-established insurer practice with considerable experience in the handling of both litigated and non-litigated claims and which offers in-depth knowledge of the London market. Its areas of strength include class action defence work generally, and product liability, professional indemnity, D&O liability, casualty and medical negligence issues specifically, and the practice is also increasingly identified as a market leader for subrogated recovery work. The firm has growing capability in the construction sector and in the increasingly important areas of cyber risk and recovery, and has a dedicated recoveries team operating in all areas of insurance. The insurance team fields further expertise regarding regulation and compliance with regard to insurance M&A transactions.
The team across New South Wales & Queensland has proven to be experienced and has flagged and advised on location specific legislation nuisances.
Work Highlights
Lander & Rogers acted as defence counsel for Transport for New South Wales in the Sydney Light Rail Class Action. It was alleged that TfNSW's conduct in authorising or permitting the construction of the Sydney Light Rail (SLR), and or, causing any delays associated with its construction constituted both private and public nuisance.
Notable practitioners
Veronica Chapman is highly experienced in the insurance space and stands out particularly for her in-depth knowledge of financial lines-related issues and personal and property liability claims.