
Provided by Lester Aldridge LLP

The team advises on transactions, strategic planning and viability reviews as well as carrying out claims work and other litigation arising on both corporate and personal insolvency matters. They offer responsive, practical, commercial and technical advice to their clients, often in a time-critical manner.

With a primary focus on working with licensed insolvency practitioners, the team advise on strategy and process for their appointments. They provide guidance to ensure full compliance by office holders of their statutory and regulatory duties with a view to maximising recoveries to the insolvency estate for the benefit of creditors. This in turn means that they are well placed to advise those that are owed monies by insolvent entities within the UK as to how to maximise their recovery and the options and strategy for enforcement.

Providing assistance to directors, members and boards as to their duties and responsibilities when their entity becomes distressed, the team provides sensitive and discreet guidance on the options for rescuing the business where feasible or winding up in an orderly manner. Where a company is ceasing to trade but is solvent, the team advises on solvent liquidations and group reorganisations and related transactions.

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Lester Aldridge LLP

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Up and Coming


Provided by Lester Aldridge LLP

Freya Maclean-Boyd

Nicholas Keitley

Nicholas Keitley

Head of Department

Tara Jones


Provided by Lester Aldridge LLP


BTG Advisory

Begbies Traynor

FRP Advisory

Interpath Advisory

JWS Business Recovery

JWS Business Recovery Limited

James Cowper Kreston

James Cowper Kreston LLP

Leonard Curtis Business Solutions Group


Menzies LLP

Moore Stephens (South) R&I LLP

Moorfields Corporate Recovery

Peter Hall Limited

Portland Leonard Curtis

Quantuma Advisory Trading Limited

RSM Restructuring Advisory LLP


Shawbrook Bank Limited

Smith & Williamson


Provided by Lester Aldridge LLP


Charities / Not-for-profit

Consumer Product Manufacturing


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