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Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Dispute Resolution: Commercial - UK

Band 5

What the Team is Known For

Littleton Chambers has a highly creditable domestic and international commercial dispute resolution practice. Its barristers are recognised for their involvement in widely publicised cases, including those from different jurisdictions. Recent examples of the complex work handled by the barristers at Littleton Chambers include: Gorbachev v Guriev, a billion-dollar commercial fraud case; and Athena Capital Fund v Secretariat of the Holy See, an action seeking declaratory relief in respect of a high-value property transaction in Chelsea’s Sloane Avenue. With an impressive record across the market, its barristers are often called upon to represent clients before the highest courts. One source comments: “Littleton Chambers has an excellent choice of very skilled barristers who can handle complex and strategically important litigation well.”

Jason Drakeford is the senior clerk.


The Littleton clerking team is helpful, friendly and good on fees.

Littleton Chambers provides very good training events and breakfast seminars.

Team leader Scott Hersey is attentive and user-friendly.

The set offers a great, efficient and personable service. Jason Drakeford heads the team and is a great guy who leads by example.

They're incredibly helpful, responsive and co-operative. They just get it.

Notable practitioners

Charles is a huge, heavyweight silk doing top commercial work.


Charles is an intellectual powerhouse. He is a great tactician and extremely hard working.

David is an exceptional and persuasive advocate. He is razor-sharp, meticulous and inventive.


David is a phenomenally gifted technical lawyer.


David is an outstanding barrister, who never misses a detail and is a delight to deal with.


David's advice is always clear and pragmatic. I have no hesitation recommending him to clients for complex corporate and commercial disputes.

Adam is fantastic. His cross-examination is great and he is able to see straight to where the key issues are. He really does a great job for the clients.

His expertise and sophistication shine through.


Jonathan is an awesome cross-examiner, who can really drill down to the nuts and bolts of a case.


Jonathan is very bright, user-friendly and good on strategy.

Alexander is fantastic on shareholder disputes. He is extremely hard-working and provides great analysis of the legal issues.

Ashley frankly has no weaknesses. He grasps the issues with speed, his written work is beyond outstanding, and he is always there to take the pressure off you when you need it.


Ashley is very approachable and has a nice manner with clients. He gets his head into the detail well and is good at managing expectations on timing.


Ashley Cukier is easy to deal with. His written work is brilliant, his attention to detail is phenomenal and he is really on the ball.

Ranked Barristers at
Littleton Chambers

Provided by Chambers
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Silks (KC)


Dispute Resolution: Commercial

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Dispute Resolution: Commercial

David Lascelles
Band 2
Alexander Halban
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Ashley Cukier
Band 6