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Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Tax Litigation: Highly Regarded - Brazil

Band 2

What the Team is Known For

Lobo de Rizzo Advogados is a respected department assisting a varied clientele with administrative proceedings before CARF and litigation before judicial courts. It has experience in disputes relating to a range of federal, state and municipal taxes, including IRPJ, ISS, ICMS, and PIS and COFINS. The team has additional capabilities in representing companies in disputes arising from transfer pricing issues. 


"This law firm has grown a lot and is relevant in this field. It has good partners."

"They deal with highly complex cases, while demonstrating deep knowledge of the market and of the businesses they support. This is paramount not only to enable deals but to reassure clients."

"They have a great ability to be concise and clear in their petitions as well as provide deep legal knowledge. They help us strengthen our legal standing and be more efficient."

Work Highlights

Lobo de Rizzo assisted DHL Logistics with a tax analysis of the alternatives to implementation of the Service Logistics Project, that includes maintenance, warehousing and inventory management.