Provided by Maverick Advocaten
Maverick Advocaten is the independent and leading competition law firm in the Netherlands. The team has vast experience at the top of the Dutch legal profession.
Maverick Advocaten provides advice on Dutch and EU competition law, including cartels, abuse of dominance, (second phase) merger control and cartel damage claims. Maverick Advocaten also frequently advises clients on economic regulation, consumer law and EU law (including state aid, unfair competition and procurement law). Maverick Advocaten regularly represents clients in proceedings before the Dutch and EU courts, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets, the European Commission and the Dutch Healthcare Authority.
Maverick Advocaten represents clients in a wide variety of sectors, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, FMCG, energy, transport, retail, media and communications.
Recent work:
Assisting a company in a European Commission dawn raid and investigation into alleged cartel prohibition violations in the synthetic turf sector
Representing a cartridge supplier in civil proceedings against Hewlett-Packard for allegedly abusing its dominant position on the printer and cartridges market and infringing the cartel prohibition with its selective distribution network
Representing International Air Transport Association (IATA) in civil proceedings regarding the interpretation of EU passenger rights regulation (261//2004)