
Provided by McDonald Carano

Our Business Entities & Transactions Practice Group attorneys offer extensive experience in all areas of corporate law, business contracts, and commercial transactions. We also advise on the formation, governance and operation of corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, business trusts and other statutory entities. We represent shareholders, directors, partners, members and managers involved in all types of commercial transactions, including contract review, drafting and negotiation. We are dedicated to getting the deal done. Our team of business law and transactional law attorneys advises on the commercial business and tax law issues that permeate all facets of a commercial transaction. Our lawyers serve as local and general counsel not only to sole proprietors and closely held entities but also to publicly traded national and global corporations doing business in Nevada. Our expertise ranges from the purchase and sale of business entities and assets, to secured financing of commercial transactions, to representation of commercial loan borrowers and lenders. We are involved in all types of mergers, acquisitions, dispositions and dissolutions that are subject to Nevada corporate law, limited liability company law, and partnership law. We deliver comprehensive legal counsel on the complete array of business contracts, as well as on all dispute mitigation and resolution.

Ranked Lawyers at
McDonald Carano

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Andrew S Gabriel
Andrew S Gabriel
Head of Corporate/Commercial
Band 2
Brian Schusterman
Brian Schusterman
Band 2


Provided by McDonald Carano

Andrew S Gabriel

Andrew S Gabriel

Head of Department

Brian Pick

Brian Schusterman

James Robertson