Provided by MME Legal | Tax | Compliance
In order to successfully set up and operate crypto, blockchain or fintech services in Switzerland, regulatory burdens must be overcome, and compliance obligations be met. Therefore, MME has created its FinTech Team, led by Dr. Luka Mueller (Compliance), Dr. Andreas Glarner (Legal) and Thomas Linder (Tax), in order to combine knowledge from a legal, tax and compliance perspective and to assist crypto, blockchain or fintech clients in the management of complex projects. The team consists of more than 20 additional technology, banking, corporate law, distribution, tax, compliance and AML experts jointly providing solutions and expertise.
Since 2013 – when Ethereum Foundation was setup in Zug – MME has supported a significant number of projects in the FinTech community. New technologies, such as distributed ledger technologies (blockchain), new payment methods are part of the daily business. This assures that the legal expertise is combined with a thorough technical understanding of the technology underlying the client's business models.
MME has been advising various banks, brokers and financial market infrastructure providers (including exchanges) in the integration of digital assets into their systems and to obtain the required regulatory licenses in Switzerland.
MME is a founding member of the Crypto Valley Association and the International Token Standardization.