Provided by Reddie & Grose LLP
Reddie & Grose has an international reputation for work of the highest quality.
Our team of patent specialists are all experts in their fields and have a deep understanding of clients' technology. They are qualified to represent clients at the European Patent Office, European Union Intellectual Property Office, the Community Plant Varieties Office and the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office.
We specialise in invention auditing, obtaining patent rights, patent disputes, patent oppositions, patent portfolios, protection strategies and third party rights - and pride ourselves on the successful outcomes we achieve for our clients.
Trade Marks
Reddie & Grose has an unusually strong trade mark team, with a much higher proportion of partners actively handling trade marks than most UK firms.
We are UK Trade Mark Attorneys and Professional Representatives before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Our team has extensive experience of registering and enforcing trade mark rights around the world and we make best use of our established relationships with leading attorneys in all countries with trade mark systems. Our trade mark attorneys are experts in obtaining trade mark rights, trade mark portfolios, trade mark protection strategies, third party marks, trade mark disputes and trade mark oppositions.