
Provided by Stoel Rives LLP

Our Energy & Natural Resources (E&NR) practice is one of the largest and most experienced in Oregon. It has defined the leading edge of energy and natural resources law for decades and is renowned for sustaining the expansion of all segments of these industries nationwide. 

We excel in representing energy and natural resources clients operating in a broad swath of industries in transactional, regulatory, and litigation matters. These industries include corporate or industrial energy management; independent power generation and infrastructure; energy transmission; upstream, midstream, or downstream segments of the oil and gas industry; renewable energy and fuels; mining and utilities. 

Our acclaimed E&NR work includes negotiating power purchase agreements (PPAs); virtual PPAs and other procurement arrangements involving diverse technologies; representing energy, municipal, industrial, and developer clients on compliance, permitting, and litigation issues under the CWA, ESA, NEPA, FLPMA, General Mining Law, Mineral Leasing Act, and federal and state clean-up laws; linear project development in transmission, pipeline and renewable energy generation permitting for wind and solar projects; representing clients’ subsurface natural resource transactions; developing renewable fuel projects; obtaining financing; attaining federal, state, and local permits for E&NR projects; and resolving operational issues for a variety of projects on private and public lands.

Ranked Lawyers at
Stoel Rives LLP

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Energy & Natural Resources

Jennifer Martin
Jennifer Martin
Band 1
Timothy L McMahan
Timothy L McMahan
Band 1


Provided by Stoel Rives LLP

Eric Martin

Jason Johns

Jennifer Martin

Jennifer Martin

Head of Department

Willa Perlmutter

William Clydesdale


Provided by Stoel Rives LLP

Capitol Power Corporation

Ecoplexus, Inc.

Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc.

Longroad Energy Holdings LLC

Northern Star Resources Ltd.

Pine Gate Renewables, LLC

Portland General Electric

Scout Clean Energy

Vesper Energy Development LLC

Zenith Energy U.S., L.P.


Provided by Stoel Rives LLP



Life Sciences & Technology


Natural Resources

Real Estate